If you’re an active fan, advocate, supporter and promoter of something or someone, you’re a booster. Go team! A booster provides support, like a kid’s booster seat, a follow-up dose of medicine, or a booster rocket that launches the Space Shuttle. All of these boosters assist, encourage, or improve in some way.
Can YOU be a Barren Heights booster? Click here to set up your monthly donation!
Booster Benefits: As a Barren Heights Booster, you will receive a set of exclusive monthly updates, stories from the field, fun fellowship opportunities, and quarterly statements. But most importantly, your sustained giving will help Barren Heights to confidently plan opportunities to serve families of children with disabilities knowing that we have the means to financially support those plans.
Ready to become a Booster? Click here to set up your monthly donation!
THANK YOU for partnering with us to make an immeasurable impact on the lives of the special needs families we serve by providing REAL connection and REAL community.