Most of us are familiar with tithing and making personal contributions to our favorite charities. Planned giving is somewhat different. It involves making a gift—during the donor’s lifetime or at death—that is part of the donor’s overall financial or estate planning. It is a wonderful way to express your values, demonstrate your faith in action, and ensure your personal legacy with the causes that you care most about. Planned gifts can take advantage of tax and legal strategies in ways that can benefit a person or family’s estate. They can also take many forms, such as appreciated securities, artwork, real estate, life insurance policies, or retirement funds.
Barren Heights is able to serve families of children with disabilities because of the generosity of our donors and supporting organizations. If you would like to learn more about Planned Giving and how you can create a lasting legacy through Barren Heights, read Planned Giving: Making a Gift for Today and Tomorrow with Barren Heights.