Barren Heights is blessed not only by the generosity we receive from our monthly donors, but also through the grant support from charitable organizations and businesses. We cannot thank these organizations enough for believing in the mission and vision of Barren Heights. Their support allows us to continue creating more compassionate communities and making families feel loved, accepted, welcomed, and safe. We want to give a big Barren Heights SHOUT OUT to all of these amazing organizations. Check out the list of all of our grant supporters from 2022 below.
Carson-Myre Charitable Foundation
Aldi Kids
Bob Russell Ministries
Copia Foundation
Edward G. Reynolds Charitable Foundation
Emma L. Snyder Charitable Foundation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Forwith Family Foundation
Janice Gardner Foundation
John & Ellen Zembrodt Family Foundation
Joni & Friends
Kentucky Colonels
Kentucky Social Welfare Foundation
Larry R. Coffey Charitable Trust
Lester Yeager Foundation
LG&E and KU Foundation
Ray & Kay Eckstein Charitable Trust
Republic Services Charitable Foundation
Samtec Cares
Snowy Owl Foundation®
Stephen & Mary Birch Foundation
WHAS Crusade for Children