We don’t know about you, but though the snow has been lovely to look at and maybe even fun to play in for some, we are READY for some spring!
We have plenty of dates on the schedule already for fun activities and opportunities to serve and get together this spring, so take a moment to grab your calendar and jot down these dates. We’ll admit, some of these dates are technically still in the winter, but they’re just too exciting not to share! Let’s get connected this spring (late winter) through community and serving together!
Opportunities to Serve
2025 Summer Retreat Volunteer Applications – OPEN NOW!
Our summer retreats offer a unique opportunity for families to serve together in one of the best places on Earth (in our humble opinion)! Lodging and food are covered. All you need to do is get your family to Scottsville, and get ready to make families feel, loved, welcomed, and safe.
Retreat Center Work Day – May 10th
Our Retreat Center has been sleeping this winter, so we need a few good volunteers to wake it up and get it ready for Retreat Season! This event takes place in Scottsville, KY with free lunch provided.
Retreat Volunteer Training Night – April 24th
If you want to volunteer at a retreat this summer and have not done so previously, this training is your one-stop-shop for all things Barren Heights summer retreats! A free meal and a fun, informative night awaits. Let’s get you connected!
Opportunities to Gather
2025 Marriage Retreat – February 15th–16th
This retreat is already full, but we would love for you to pray for the couples who will attend and to the volunteers and staff who will be serving them.
Family Fellowship Lunch – February 17th
School will be out for the holiday this day, so we know you’ll be looking for something fun to do out of the house. Why not bring your family to have free lunch and play some games with us at our Louisville Community Center?
2025 Women’s Retreat – March 8th–9th
This retreat is already full, but we would love for you to pray for the guest moms who will attend and to the volunteers and staff who will be serving them.
Mom’s Night Out – April 17th
The name says it all—it’s time for mom to have the night out! We’ve partnered with some wonderful organizations to put on the ultimate night of pampering for special needs moms, and this time we’re throwing a PAJAMA PARTY! Don’t sleep on this opportunity… See what we did there?
Click on the event names for info and sign ups for any of these events, OR email events@barrenheights.org with any questions. We’re excited for warmer weather, and we’re excited to serve you or serve alongside you in the coming year!